Sunday, July 27, 2014

“Wake me up in the A.M.” written 7-27-2014 by Ando C

“Wake me up in the A.M.” written 7-27-2014 by Ando C

There is a mystery that lives within the very essence of time.
It is immortal.
We call this substance love.
Now you may not be aware...
But this fire, this passion, this thing called love drives us.
It motivates us.
When we follow its light, we remember our source, our essence of existence.

Now call me in the A.M.
Love at first sight.
Mystery. Mystery. Mystery.
Love for himself.
Love for her.

Spiritual warfare comes when we are most vulnerable.
Now he doesn't understand why,
But she takes his breath away.
Perfect connection that cannot be.
Soulmates lost at sea.

Self interest and sin are cousins that conflict the mind and burden the heart.
Ironically, they rob us all of the essence of life itself, known to us as love.

Now every now and then,
Regardless of our creed or sex,
Comes along a special someone.
An incredible breathing conglomerate of matter that bodaciously and relentlessly, without their knowing, or intention, remind us of our essence.
This glorious energy that makes our heart thump, or ache when we are deprived of it, feeds off of this special someone's essence and aura like a magnet.
Unveiling the curtain of how we feel about this insatiable attraction often produces unpredictable results.

Now call me in the A.M.
Because broken hearts and broken hope are cousins that drink the cyanide of passionate audacity.
Soulmates not meant to be.
If only this was a dream...
Or so it seems?
Mystery. Mystery. Mystery.
A.M. - A.M. - A.M.
If only.
Now the essence fades away...

“Decay..the spark that flew away” written by Ando C

“Decay..the spark that flew away” written by Ando C on October 1st, 2013

Withdrawn, far away gaze
Walked and wandered to and fro
Wrinkled smirk, false enthusiasm
Pondering on what could have been?
Wanderer of lonely pavements
Wander to and fro
Even one’s own shadow dissipates within time
New hope or asinine irony?
Who cares? Time is anesthesia...
Behold the wanderer
Behold a desert thirst for connection
And affection
Gone today
Gone always
The spark that flew away, crippled spring in step
Sadness, Depression
No spark, dimmed eyes
Flowing through time
Self interests, selfishness, unfortunately not selflessness
Interconnected conflicts
Interpersonal pillars
Decay and crumble in time
Television and darkness are long-lasting companions
Interpersonal pillars
Decay and crumble in time

"Brooklyn..Angel" by Ando C

A new poem recently written by me a few months ago.


And I met an
The grace and favor in its eyes
Often mute and bright light from its essence

And I met an
It fell from the heavens through Brooklyn skies
Blessed are they who find its favor

And I met an
A blessing from the Lord
Lucky am I to be its friend

And I met an
If you saw its smile and bright eyes, you too would have a sense of gratitude
To be in its light is a gift from the Divine

And I met an
Oh my beautiful angel
Oh my beautiful friend